How to open a chart in MT4

How to open a chart

There are three methods in which to open a price chart in MetaTrader 4 (MT4). Each method is explained below.

Method 1 – Using the file menu

The most common method for opening a chart in MetaTrader 4 uses the File menu of MT4.

  1. Click on File and then click on the New Chart tab.
  2. Click the instrument for which you want to have a chart.

If the asset you want to trade is not shown on the list:

  1. Move your mouse over the File tab and Left-Click.
  2. Move your mouse over New Chart and Left-Click.

3. Move your mouse to Forex major/Forex minor to get a new list with all assets available for trading and Left-Click on the one you want.

Method 2 – The standard toolbar

If the Standard Toolbar is not visible initially, you need to open it.

The standard toolbar
The standard toolbar

To open the standard tool bar:

  1. Left-Click on View on the top menu.
  2. Move your mouse over Toolbars and Left-Click on Standard.

Method 3 – Using the Market Watch window

1. Left-Click on View in the top menu of MetaTrader 4. Now Left-Click Market Watch. (Alternatively use the short cut < Ctrl + M >.)

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