Andrew Aziz’ Net Worth: How Did He Manage To Make His Millions By Day Trading?

One of the best stock traders from Canada, Andrew Aziz is a top-selling author in the ‘Business and Finance’ sphere. He invested millions of dollars in publicly traded companies when working in investment funds. During his career, he has created an empire that unites investors, technical wizards, bankers, and industry executives.

What is Andrew Aziz’ net worth? It’s time to reveal the details about his trading activities and dividends.

Andrew Aziz (Ph.D., P.Eng.) is a budgetary market dealer, a financial specialist and #1 among top line creators. He has made himself to be one of the Amazon’s top 100 highest-rated creators in the “Business and Finance” category for more than 4 consecutive years (2016- till present). In May 2020, his books in finance and day stock trading were translated to 5 languages. 

Day-trading investment advisor, Andrew Aziz

Day-trading investment advisor, Andrew Aziz

Before starting his career path as a trader, he got a PhD in chemical engineering and held different research positions in the cleantech industry. After losing his job, he started trading and dedicated a lot of time to studying the market. 

He’s been a business person since youth, Andrew Aziz’ day trading is not his only specialty, he effectively invests resources into FinTech organizations that develop and implement artificial intelligence in trading. When Andrew Aziz is not trading, he enjoys trail running, ascending, skiing, and mountaineering. 

About Andrew Aziz’ “How To Day Trade For A Living”

A book How to Day Trade for a Living by Andrew Aziz offers the contrasting perspective of trading to the book called Disciplined Trader. The author believes that Forex trading cannot be related to poker, since it is impossible to rely on chance here. Andrew Aziz offers a reader step-by-step instructions for day trading, which gives novice traders a good understanding of the topic.

You will not find fundamental knowledge here, but you will understand the essence of the process and you will know what you are missing in profitable day trading.

The author of the book tells us to treat trading like any other profession. According to statistics, only 15% of traders after six months of trading reap profits, the rest just lose their money.

Andrew Aziz' net worth is the result of strategies described in “How to day trade for a living” 

Andrew Aziz’ net worth is the result of strategies described in “How to day trade for a living” 

In How to day trade for a living, Andrew Aziz suggests sorting out a few issues before reaping the benefits:

  1. Business plan. You should clearly know how much you will spend on training, computer, trading strategies, etc. Ask yourself the following questions: “What strategy do you choose, and when can you make up for all the costs?” 
  2. Training. Get training on a demo account for at least 3 months. That will help you develop some trading strategies and check them in action. 
  3. Initial capital. The desire to get a quick result increases the chances of being in the red. It is necessary to really assess the risks, and spend no more than 2% of all available funds on opening one option. At the beginning of the path, there will always be many mistakes, but they are essential for gaining experience.
  4. The right choice of tools and services. Choosing a reliable broker, using indicators and oscillators in your trading strategy – all of this requires close attention and time.

In 2018, the community welcomed a new book Advanced techniques in day trading by Andrew Aziz. This all-around trading guide starts with the vital secrets of success including your scanner, programming and stage. It slowly moves to down-to-earth consultations on topics, for example, how to locate the correct stocks to exchange, how to characterize backing and opposition levels, and how to best deal with your exchanges the pressure existing on top of everything else. 

In addition, a broad survey of exchange systems is followed by demonstration of genuine models from ongoing exchanges. The readers are provided with vital tips to remember when making a choice of legitimacy of a passage, target’s benefits and how to avoid making the wrong choice. In conclusion, to sum everything up, there’s an “off camera” take at the creator’s point of view as he walk the reader through various exchanges. While the book is dedicated to more or less experienced traders, starters will also discover a lot of helpful information that is skillfully clarified. 

By reading the book, one can learn:

  1. The ways to start day trading as a business;
  2. Methods of day exchange stocks without gambling on them;
  3. How to select a direct access dealer;
  4. Essential devices and platforms;
  5. Rules for creating significant day exchanging strategies;
  6. Right ways to execute each exchanging techniques in details: passage, leave, stop loss;
  7. Algorithm of developing a trading plan.

What is Andrew Aziz’ Net Worth?

In fact, we weren’t able to find out any specific number – due to Andrew Aziz being a day trader, it’s hard to track his profits. However, he claims that when he only started his career path as a day trader, he managed to make $2,000 a day, which amounts to $730,000 a year. Today, his income is much greater – he invests millions of dollars in different projects. 

Andrew Aziz’ YouTube channel, Bear Bull Traders, has over 13,000 like-minded people who he shares his ideas with and spreads valuable knowledge among.

What Can We Learn From Andrew Aziz’ Day Trading Recommendations?

As mentioned in How to Day Trade for a Living, Aziz utilizes pre-advertise scanners and constant intraday scanner before entering the market. 

For him, the key priority for merchants is to endure and he encourages not to risk 2% of your capital per exchange. You should search for circumstances where you are gambling pennies to make dollars.

Andrew Aziz' day trading strategies are based on volume, which depends on market trends

Andrew Aziz’ day trading strategies are based on volume, which depends on market trends

Furthermore, Aziz emphasizes the significance of understanding the design, but agrees that dealers should not make their procedure too inconsistent. To keep things straightforward, he frequently utilizes backing and opposition exchanging and VWAP (volume weighted normal value) exchanging.

Aziz exchanges backing and obstruction by identifying the key players and searches for the focus of uncertainty, which shows up with high exchanging volume. 

Basically, when he has worked this out, purchase the one that you found at the bottom and sell the one at the peak. 

VWAP considers the volume of an instrument that has been exchanged. In the event that costs are over the VWAP, it demonstrates a positively trending market. On the off chance that the costs are beneath, it is a bearish advert. 

To sum it up: 

  1. Never gamble over 2% per exchange. 
  2. As a dealer, your primary goal is to endure. 
  3. Quite a bit of Aziz’ techniques are concerned with exchanging volume. 
  4. Backing and obstruction exchanging and VWAP exchanging are productive and successful procedures for investors.

Bottom Line

Andrew Aziz did not become a successful and influential day trader for nothing: a deep understanding of the market and experiments with strategies helped him make millions. He proves that stock trading is available even for beginners and can be very profitable when approached with maximum responsibility and accompanied by proper research of the topic.

If you want to join the rows of day traders, we highly recommend reading his books and getting the general economy and trading-related information in The Tradable blog. Knowledge is power that you can convert into money.

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