Volatility-based indicators are valuable technical analysis tools that look at changes in market prices over a specified period of time. The faster prices change, the higher the volatility. The slower prices change, the lower the volatility. It can be measured and calculated based on historical prices and can be used for trend identification. It also typically signals if a market is overbought or oversold (meaning price is unjustifiably high or unjustifiably low), which can point to a stalling or reversal of the trend.
Identifying the points where price potentially stops and reverses is very helpful to any trader. They are commonly used in combination with other signal-generating conditions.
There are several volatility-based indicators all using volatility in a clever way to help identify trading opportunities. Examples of such indicators areĀ Average True Range (ATR), the widely popular and easy to useĀ Bollinger Bands (BB),Ā Donchian ChannelsĀ andĀ Keltner Channels (KC).
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